This is TIMEOFF.GURU's user manual for version 10.4.
TIMEOFF.GURU is an online system to manage leave of absence requests and handle the overall process of leave management while completely avoiding the use of paper. The system supports all current browsers and smart phones. To access the platform, the admin of your organization has to send you an invitation. Please contact your administrator if you are having trouble with the access to the system.
There are two ways to enjoy TIMEOFF.GURU - through a web browser or via a mobile app.
You will receive special invitation in your mail box to access TIMEOFF.GURU. You cannot enter the system without an invitation.
Invitations are sent by an administrator of the platform to your email address. The email address is also used to login later in the system. After you receive the invitation, follow the link to verify your account and enter your personal password. Note that this password is only known to you. It is stored in the system in hash (one-way encryption) format. In case you forget, there is a "Forgot password" link in the login page.
After you log in TIMEOFF.GURU you are presented with the welcome wizard, which will guide you through the main components of the UI. Follow the steps to get acquainted with the main screen of the system - the Calendar. It includes information about your and your teams' absences. You can always invoke the welcome wizard by clicking on the question mark next to your name to review again the main options in the calendar view.
Your name appears on the top right side, revealing a drop-down menu with several options:
Users with manager privileges see additional options such as "Switch user ...", "Reports".
The annual calendar can be used not only to make a request, but also to promptly check current year’s holidays and working days. It provides an overview of your leaves and on the leaves of your team in the current year. By clicking on the arrows on both sides of the current year, you can switch between past and future years. The calendar days, which are completely filled in a dark blue colour are your absence requests. Dates, which are filled with pink are usually your sick leaves, if you have any. All other days, marked by color in the edges of the circle, are days when your colleagues have been/are/will be absent. Each color corresponds to a different person from the team. By hovering the mouse on the day when someone on your team is on leave you will be able to see their name, the type of leave, and who is the substitute. Under the calendar, to the right, there is a legend about the different types of with their assigned colour.
On the right side of the calendar there are several menus that give information about your requests.
In this panel you can add colleagues from your or from another team, in order to be informed when they will be absent. Each member of your team is highlighted with a specific color in order to be distinguished from the others in the calendar. You can add, remove, change associated color, enable and disable employee from your team.
You can also:
Requesting a leave of absence is made as easy as possible. Just click desired date range from the calendar. You can also click and drag the mouse over several dates. The selection is marked in blue. The period is also reflected in the "New Requests" section on the right, including the number of days you are about to request. To complete your request, click the "Request" button. In the window that will appear, you will see:
After entering the information, please click on "Request" button. You should see confirmation window popping up.
After you submit your request the system will automatically deduct from your leave balance. Then, in the "Details" menu of the calendar, you see how many days and hour you currently have and how many you have used in the past.
A video tutorial can be found HERE.
The toggle button "From me" in the "Current requests" panel shows all current requests that you have submitted. Click on a specific request to see information about the status of the request and who is next in line to approve it. If the leave is rejected, you will be able to see the person who rejected it and the rejection reason in "History" section. Request can be also printed, if this option is enabled in your system's settings.
You can always cancel your request, even if the period has already started. All days will be restored in your balance and all people, that have been part of the approval process will be notified.
All pending requests waiting for your approval are in "For me" sections of the "Current Requests" panel. The menu shows the period and the number of days. You can approve requests by clicking on the button and respectively reject leaves by clicking on the button
. When rejecting a request, you must also enter the reason for that.
In the case of an employee that has requested leave and has indicated somebody as their substitute, if this person is already substituting for someone else, the system will indicate it.
You can set up your own Preferences from the main menu, which you can access by clicking on your name on the top right corner of the screen.
The mobile app of TIMEOFF.GURU provides the same easy to use interface to request and approve holiday requests. Available for iOS and Android and featuring functionality to:
All the information in the mobile app is up to date, so no matter where you access TIMEOFF.GURU from, data is synchronized with the browser version.
You need to download and install the application for the operating system you are using on your mobile device.
Depending on the access and security settings for your organization, entering TIMEOFF.GURU might be done in one of the following ways:
Information regarding the authorization server and further login details should be provided by your organization's TIMEOFF.GURU administrator.
After you log in, the following options are available in the mobile app:
Home screen - provides general information about the remaining paid and unpaid leave days. You can create a holiday requests using the "Request leave" button. If you click on , a new screen will pop up, where you can set up a new work location.
Calendar - shows calendar for the current month. Use the arrows next to the month and year to change the months back and forth. The days, filled with blue are all paid and unpaid leave requests that you have requested, pink-filled days are the days you were on sick leave. All other days, circled in color, are days when people in your team are on leave. You can see information about colleagues who are absent by holding on the day circled in color. You can mark the days for which you want to request a leave.
My requests - when you open "My Requests" screen from the link at the bottom of the screen, you can see your pending, approved, rejected requests and all the information about them. From here you can also cancel a current request.
Requests for me - each request awaiting your approval is located in the "Requests to Me" page. Requests in the list that are awaiting approval from you, are expanded. You can see by whom it has been requested, the period, type of leave, and by whom it has been approved so far. You can approve or reject the request.
User menu - the "Settings" screen is reachable from in the upper-right corner of the mobile app. Once the menu has been expanded, there are four submenus:
The request for leave is made from the Home screen with the "Request leave" button or from the Calendar screen by clicking on a specific date. For both options is necessary to mark the days you want to be absent from the calendar and then tap on the "Create request" button. A screen with information about the period you will be absent appears. Indicate the type of absence (paid, unpaid, illness leave, bonus days) as well as a substitute (if necessary). When choosing "paid leave", there is an option to choose whether to be a standard vacation or other type of paid annual leave. You can also input details and select colleagues to notify. In order to finalize the request click on the "Submit" button. That is it. Your request is on it way.
The Settings menu sets the entire workflow for the organization. In it you can find several tabs with the relevant settings: General, Access, Processes, Settings, Holidays, Notifications, Templates, Organizations, Security, License, Branding. Most of the settings have the option of activating / deactivating by ticking the corresponding checkbox. When the checkbox is empty, it means that the functionality is not active. On the other hand, if the checkbox is marked with a tick, that means it is activated. After each correction, you have to click on the button, located in the lower right corner of the screen. The
button, located next to it, allows you to return to the home screen of the calendar.
When a calendar date is filled with colour, this indicates that those planned time off periods are yours. On the other hand, if the circles are not filled – those are the absences of all colleagues that you have added to your team. If you want to leave Planning mode, simply click on the X button or on the button 'Leaves'.
In this menu you can define the access level of users. You can add a user by entering the name in a specific field, and remove it from the X button in front of the name. Each role has the corresponding meaning:
Users entered in the Finance and Administration, Human Resources and Last level of approval roles can also participate in the organization approval process.
This menu adjusts the approval process of each submitted request. Additional steps can be added from the button. For each approval step, there is a check box for which role to receive notifications and when. In this case, for example, when an employee requests a leave, they will receive a notification when their request is registered in the system. After being approved by their direct manager, the request goes to Human Resources for approval. Once Human Resources approves the leave request, the requester, their direct manager and Finance and Administration will receive a notification.
Abbreviations are as follows:
In additional notifications, you can specify who and when to receive notifications for sick leave request, sick leave rejection from employee, canceled request from employee, leave request (if no approval process is set up) and notification when uploading a file to an already requested leave.
This menu introduces all types of absences in the system. At the far right for each type of leave there are three icons that have the following meaning:
You can add new time-off type by clicking button. In the window that opens, you have to fill in the fields Full name, Description, Short name (this is a drop-down menu with the available time-off categories) and Type. You can also determine whether this leave type deducts from the users’ annual paid/unpaid leave, set annual limit etc. In case the specific type of leave is not used by the organization, you can select the inactive option. After all adjustments have been completed, need to save all changes from the
Accrual rules allow users not to receive the full number of days of paid annual leave at the beginning of the year, but to accumulate over a certain period. In case you want to use this option, please contact your account manager.
You can create new rules by checking the ‘Accrual Rules’ checkbox when adding/editing a time-off type. After that you will see a new tab available – Rules, where you can see the names of the already created rules, how many users does they appy for and whether they are active or not. On the right side of each rule, there are buttons for editing and deleting it.
After clicking on the button a new window is opened, where you can set up the parameters of the rule. Here you can type in the name of the rule, the number of days to be accrued on a daily/weekly/monthly/yearly basis; you can choose if this rule should correspond to the current or the next year and if it should be activated on the first day/in the middle or in the end of the month. With the checkbox Limit you can enter a regulatory number, which when reached ends the accrual. On the right side of the window you can change the status of the rule to active or deactivated and if it should be applicable for all employees or specific users only. Finally, you can save you changes by clicking on the Save button.
In tab Categories you can manage the categories of the time-off types in the system. Similar to the Time-off types menu, you can edit, delete and change the sequence of the categories. The colours of the categories can be changed by clicking on the Color circle. The button allows you to add a new category in the system and determine it’s name, index in monthly report, whether it should be included in the monthly report and whether it should be active or not. After all adjustments have been completed, need to save all changes from the
button .
Restrictions serve to block specific days during which employees cannot submit leave request. Adding a new restriction can be done from the button and entering the relevant information - Name of the restriction, for example, Transmission of a public contract; the period in which you want to limit the users and whether the restriction is applicable to the whole organization or specific users only.
In the Holidays menu are entered all official holidays for all years. If you want to enter new holiday, this can be done by clicking the button and: choosing the type of day – non-working day, holiday or working day; selecting the date from the calendar; entering a descriction and clicking the Save button. There are 2 options for importing holidays into the system:
*If there are employees in the organization whose holidays differ (for example, if they are in different countries), you have the option to create holiday sets. To activate this option you must contact your account manager. Firstly, you will need to create a new holiday set by clicking on the button. In the new window that pops up there is a field for the name of the holiday set and which users should be associated with it. There are two options: the holiday set is applied to everybody or only specific users. Afterwards holiday sets can be edited or deleted via the buttons, located on the right side of the particular row.
In the notifications menu are all the notifications that are sent by the system. In the type field, it is described in which action the corresponding notification is sent (for example, upon approval of a request, cancellation of sick leave request, etc.). With the button located at the far right you can edit each notification.
The notification options are two:
The information in brackets (for example [Requestor], [LeavePeriod], [LeaveType]) is automatically replaced by the information in the request, so it is important not to edit or delete it.
Via this menu you can regulate the templates of documents for Leave request, Leave order, Notice of entitlement to paid annual leave etc. Each template can be edited using the pencil button at the far right. As with notifications, it is important not to edit or delete the information in brackets as it is automatically replaced by the information in the leave request.
The Organizations menu provides information about the organizations that use the system. A new organization can be added from the button. After clicking this button a new window appears where you can enter data for the organization.
The following tab Locations appears if the locations are activated from the General Settings. With the button you can edit a current location. The upper field is for the name of the location and the one beneath is for the address. Afterwards you can save the location by clicking on the tick or if you want to cancel you can select the button X. By clicking on the button
you can delete a previously created location. With the radio button, located on the left of the location name you can choose a default location for the whole organization. If you want to create a new location, click on
and following the editing instructions from above, enter a location name.
The last tab when editing/adding an organization is the Remote signing tab in which you can manage the signing of leave orders in the system. This is a function implemented with our partners Borika, through which leave orders can be automatically signed by the manager of the organization or a person authorized by them. For more information, please contact your account manager.
TIMEOFF.GURU allows setting a password requirements. There are two criteria for determining what the password should be:
You can also enable a two-factor authentication and select it’s frequency. The system requires the user to enter a secret code generated by the system and emailed to the them.
In the License tab you can see the type of your license (trial, free or standard), the date of validity, which version the system is, how many users the license is valid for and how many active users there are in the system.
In the Branding menu you can manage the branding of the organizations in the system. This includes the color of the header background), the color of the text in the header and the organizations logo.
In the users menu is stored all the information about the active, inactive and blocked users in the system. From here you can perform the following operations:
At the far end of every user’s row there are 2 options:
You can create an account in two ways - by choosing the button or by importing all users using an MS Excel template by clicking the
button. When you click on the New user button, a new window where you need to fill the relevant information will open.
After entering the required information you can either click on and invite the user later or you can click on
and invite them to join the system now.
The second option is by importing multiple users at once. After clicking on the button, you must download the sample file and fill it. Please note that the first row in the sample Excel file is filled with example information to guide you. When filling the cells, keep in minds the format of the cells in order to do a successful import (most of the cells should be in Text format, First working day should be in Date format, Phone should be in Number format, etc.). Once you have entered the information in the MS Excel file, you must click on
button, choose the particular file and click on Open. The system will notify you if there is an issue with the file or if not, that N number of employees have been added to the system.
A video tutorial can be found HERE.
Sending an invitation to join the system is possible when users' profiles are filled with the required information. Invitations can be sent to multiple users simultaneously or one user at a time. In front of each user there is an empty checkbox, which when selected activates the Send invitation button. Тhe checkbox at the top, next to Employee №, marks all available users at once. After clicking on the Send invitation button, each user will receive an invitation at their email address and will have to open the it and set their password within 24 hours.
When clicking on the button, another window appears in which you can select the information you want to be exported to an Excel file.
You can find all inactive users in tab Inactive, where you can see the users’ information when you click on or you can activate them via
In the Blocked section you can find all the users who have been blocked after attempting to log in to the system but were unsuccessful after a certain number of attempts. An administrator of the system can unblock users.
The reports give a complete view of all leave request in the system. There is an opportunity to generate a report based on the status or type of the absence, get a better view of your employees’ sick leaves and unpaid leaves. In the detailed report the filtered data can be exported to Excel.
In tab General you can view reports by:
Detailed report provides detailed information for every leave request. You can filter results based on leave/request period, requestor, organization, type of absence, etc. Each request has an option to be edited and printed. When searching for a specific request, it is necessary to fill in the required fields. Search starts with the Search button. After the system completes the search, several options appear next to the Search button:
Each request can be reviewed, edited, or printed. The options are located at the far right of the request:
Tab Other consists of: